Habits of Mind

Get into the habit of thinking critically.  Habits of Mind refer to questions that can help us think more critically about things.  There called ‘habits’ because we should strive to regularly ask these questions as we confront problems and analyze texts.   Include several of your responses to these questions in your human right blog entries.

  1. Raise Questions About Evidence:  How do we know?  Is the source trustworthy?
  2. Identify Perspective:  WHose poin-of-view does this represent?  Whose perspective is missing?  How might different perceive this differently?
  3. Identifying Omissions:  What is missing?  What could be present but is not?
  4. Make Connections:  How does this relate to that?  What does this remind you of?  How are these things simiilar and/or different?
  5. Explore Supppositions:  How could things be different?  What would happen if…
  6. Evaluate Relevance:  How important is this?  Why is this important?  Why should we care?  Important for whom?

~ by pastimperfect on November 6, 2008.

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